volcano mulching should be the best you can do for your plants and get good yields. You can create a dark landscape, apply mulch around plants and garden areas, and at night the same gray landscape will look like it has been professionally treated.
Mulch only serves to protect the soil. It should have enough air and water space to penetrate into the ground. There are 2 types of mulch: organic and inorganic.
Organic mulch consists of:
- sawdust
- Old compost
"Old bullshit."
- torn leaves
- scrapbook
- pine bark
- pine needles
- Walnut shell (if you are near the factory)
- hay (no hay because there are weed seeds)
- Roofs (Phlox, Vinca, Purple Winter, Pachysandra, Liriop, Mondogras, etc.)
Inorganic mulch consists of:
- stone
"Shattered rock."
"Broken lava."
- black plastic
- Landscape fabric
- Grounded tires
- Other recycled materials
The reasons for mulching are almost limitless. We will only look at a few of them. This creates a well-defined area around trees and shrubs so anyone with a lawnmower or eating weeds can avoid crop damage, and it may be a major killer of young plants. Mulch often reduces and eliminates weed populations. It insulates the soil by maintaining a more even temperature, which is especially useful when there are temperature fluctuations in the spring. Mulch keeps the soil around the plant cooler and moister. Organic mulch decomposes in the soil, establishing nutritional value and thereby reducing the need for fertilizers. It protects the soil from compaction and scale. Mulch contributes to healthier plants and makes the landscape look neater, cleaner and more attractive.
Studies show that without grass, larger trees and shrubs up to 3 feet from the base of the plant promote its growth.
Too little mulch is not effective; On the other hand, too much mulch can kill something good (i.e. plants). Instead of explaining at length why, when, where and with what, we keep it simple, secure and memorable!
Triple 3 for mulch
- 3 inches thick
- 3 feet from the base of the plant
- Donuts 3 inches around the base of the plant (see below)
These are 3 deep, 3 external, and 3 for donuts. How about those donuts? Donuts are swollen areas at the base of the plant. For proper air circulation and watering, it takes (approximately) 3 inches between the stem of the plant and where the mulch actually begins. Mulch should never come into contact with shrubs or tree trunks, even in the garden. Stay away from volcanoes. This is a surefire way to kill your plants. You want the mulch to stay level at all times, whether it's a meter from the trunk or in a large green area. Remember: keep the level
How often you apply mulch depends largely on the type of mulch you choose. Something light like grass clippings or torn leaves will need to be added quite often as they break down quickly. Heavier mulch may only need to be refreshed once a year. Shredded bark mulch applied up to 3 inches in spring may decompose in summer. So when fall comes, be sure to check it out and maybe add some more to bring it back to 3 inches to get through the winter.